IIS7 Classic ASP 상에서 COM+ 응용프로그램 연결 할때 발생가능한 오류
서버 개체 오류 'ASP 0177 : 80004005'
Server.CreateObject 실패
/Config/Connection.inc, 줄 29
Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 80004005'
Server.CreateObject Failed
/Config/Connection.inc,line xx
1. 제어판 -> 관리도구 -> 구성요소서비스
2. 구성요소서비스 -> 컴퓨터 -> 내컴퓨터 -> COM+응용프로그램
3. 오류가 발생한 컴퍼넌트에 마우스 오른쪽 버튼 클릭하고 "속성" 선택 속성창에서 "풀링 및 재생 " 탭으로 이동
"풀크기" 1보다 큰값으로 변경 여기서는 3으로 변경
1. Go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Component Services.
2. In the tree, navigate through Component Services > My Computer > COM+ Applications and locate your custom component.
3. Right-click on the component and get Properties.
On the Pooling & Recyling property page tab, set the Pool Size to a number greater than 1, to match the number of potential application pools that will be accessing the component at the same time, from IIS or elsewhere.
On the Pooling & Recyling property page tab, set the Pool Size to a number greater than 1, to match the number of potential application pools that will be accessing the component at the same time, from IIS or elsewhere.
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